File named "defective product" and a gavel to represent defective product lawsuits

Millions of people are hurt by defective products every year. Manufacturers and retailers have a duty to ensure that the products that they make and sell are safe. However, companies sometimes fail to do so, often resulting in extremely serious injuries. Fortunately for consumers, if you are hurt by a defective or dangerous product, you can often recover significant compensation for the losses you have sustained. Some losses that can result in financial recovery include the following:

  • Past, current, and future medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Damage to property
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering

At the Joye Law Firm, our Columbia defective products lawyers are dedicated to protecting the legal rights of the injured and know how to hold negligent manufacturers and retailers liable. To learn more about how we can help you, call our office today to discuss your situation.

Consumer Products that Cause Injuries in Columbia

You may be surprised to learn that even the most commonplace and seemingly safe products can potentially cause injury due to defects, malfunctions, or other risk factors. For example, if the toothbrush in your bathroom was negligently manufactured, it is possible that it could splinter during use and cause lacerations in your mouth, or worse. Similarly, a piece of furniture could be designed in such a way that it is possible for it to topple over onto people without warning.

The experienced attorneys of the Joye Law Firm regularly represent people injured by a variety of consumer products, including the following:

  • Cars and trucks
  • Space heaters
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Products designed for infants
  • Toys
  • Electronics
  • Home furnishings
  • Sports equipment
  • Medical devices
  • Firearms and other weapons
  • Personal hygiene products

Consumer Products Can be Defective in Different Ways

There are three generally recognized categories of defects that products liability cases fall into – design defects, manufacturing defects, and marketing defects, which are discussed in further detail below.

  • Design Defects – Cases involving design defects allege that the product is unreasonably dangerous due to some inherent design flaw. In these cases, the defect will generally affect every instance of a particular product, rather than a particular batch or model. Examples of design defects include vehicles that are inherently unstable and prone to rollover accidents or a flat-screen television that could tip over due to an unbalanced design.
  • Manufacturing Defects – Manufacturing defects, on the other hand, involve issues with the way a product was made. These defects could be due to shoddy workmanship, errors in the manufacturing process, or the use of substandard materials. Examples of manufacturing defects could include brake pads made with the wrong material or electrical cords that lack adequate insulation.
  • Marketing Defects – Cases involving marketing defects are also commonly referred to as “failure to warn” cases. They arise when a manufacturer would have been able to mitigate a non-obvious danger posed by a product by giving the consumer a simple warning. For example, if a space heater is known to pose a significant fire risk due to its operating temperature, the manufacturer should provide a warning to not place the device too close to furniture, drapes, or other flammable material.

The information and examples above are intended to give a broad overview of the many different types of defective product cases. Whether a manufacturer will be held liable in your case depends on a variety of factors, so it is important to have your case reviewed by an experienced attorney before attempting to initiate any legal action.

What Should You Do if You Have Been Injured by a Defective Product in Columbia?

If you have been injured by a defective product, you are likely upset, confused, and uncertain how to handle the situation. Fortunately, there are clear steps that victims can take in order to protect their health, safety, and legal right to recover compensation, including the following:

  • Seek Appropriate Medical Attention – If you are seriously hurt, call 911. If, on the other hand, your injuries do not require immediate medical attention, go see your physician or another medical professional as soon as you can. Seeing a doctor will make sure that your injuries are correctly identified, treated, and that there is documentation connecting your injuries to the use of the product that injured you.
  • Take Pictures Of The Product And Save it – While it may be tempting to throw a product that injured you directly into the trash, do not do this. Take pictures of the product and the defect that caused your injuries. Afterwards, be sure to store the product in a safe place where you will not lose it but will not be accessible to other members of your household.
  • Document The Incident – Take detailed notes about the way the accident occurred and how it has affected you. Make sure to record contact information from anyone who has witnessed the accident. In addition, try and find and save any documentation that came with the product, including instruction manuals, the product’s packaging, lot numbers, or informational inserts.
  • Contact A Lawyer – If you have been hurt by a defective product, you may wonder whether you need to speak with an lawyer and may also be concerned about the cost. It is important for anyone hurt in an accident to speak with an attorney as soon as they can in order to make sure that their rights are protected. In addition, the vast majority of defective product lawyers work on a contingent-fee basis, which means that they will not collect any legal fees from you unless they successfully recover compensation on your behalf.

Contact a Columbia Defective Products Attorney to Schedule a Free Consultation

Defective products can often cause serious injuries that can result in significant economic and noneconomic damages. If you have been hurt by a product that you suspect was defective, help is available. Our skilled Columbia personal injury lawyers are qualified to represent you regardless of the type of product that injured you and will work tirelessly to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free case evaluation with one of our lawyers, call the Joye Law Firm today at 877-941-1019.

Joye Law Firm Columbia Office Location

1333 Main St #260,
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 618-4189